The solar power system trainer was designed and develop to provide training material to secondary school student, post-secondary school student and solar practitioners. It is of two types: Solar power system trainer – PRO and Solar power system trainer – Junior
A. Solar power system trainer – PRO trainer is a modularly configured equipment with the following modules: RS – Rolling support with photovoltaic module of 12volts, 65-100W, with graduated scale on one side for the adjustment of the inclination and calibrated cell in the upper part for measuring the solar irradiation. PM 1002 – Battery control module with a circuit breaker and power light indicator. This module can control a 12V battery (26Ah, 12V) supplied with the trainer. PM 1003 – Electronic regulator module for battery charge, with LCD screen for display of information on situations. PM 1008 – Inverter module with 12V DC input and 220 AC sinusoidal output. PM 1005 – Load module with a 20W , 12V, DC halogen lamp and a 3W 12V LED lamp. PM 1004 – Load module with a 20W , 230v, AC halogen lamp and a 3W 230V LED lamp. PM 1007 – Rheostat module of 8ohm 6A max. PM 1006 – Measuring instrument module, such as: Solar irradiance measurement, (0..1000W/m2),Thermometer for the temperature of the solar panel,1 DC Ammeter, 1 AC Ammeter, 1 DC voltmeter
B. Solar power system trainer – Junior is compact mobile configured system which consists of three basic units: photovoltaic panel unit, the sun- simulator unit and the component board. The system is design in such a way that the entire system can be assembled in a box